We Start 2023 Stronger Together

I is better as We. Year on year, we’re sharing tools and advice so you and your collective can achieve more, together.
I is better as We. Year on year, we’re sharing tools and advice so you and your collective can achieve more, together.
I is better as We. Year on year, we’re sharing tools and advice so you and your collective can achieve more, together.
The power of collective wisdom
The new year carries with it much anxiety and wishing for bigger and better. At Metropolitan we understand that starting the year strong is about more than just money; it requires a multifaceted approach – all heart, mind, physical wellbeing and commitment.
#WeStartStronger is more than a campaign. It is aimed at equipping you with financial knowledge and the tools to manage your life better and have continuous conversations about better planning, decision making and financial wellness with your collective. By setting common goals, and having real conversations with your people, you can tick off real #SquadsGoals by holding each other accountable and getting the safety of a support system that everyone needs.
Starting in 2021 and now in 202(FREE) we’ve done this by creating a supportive and welcoming space to learn about life and money matters through real and authentic conversations. Because with your collective supporting you and Metropolitan as part of your collective - for financial advice and tools - you’re well equipped to start the year stronger; and achieve your goals.
Our journey so far
Since 2021, we’ve been helping South Africans start stronger. We helped Mzansi through the tumultuous Covid period, now we’re getting ready to help you start stronger in the new world.
In our Mzansi Class of 2021 Digi-series, we encouraged South Africans to release and liberate ourselves from the heavy load experienced during the Covid-19 lockdowns. By providing a safe platform to share our stories of loss and disappointment, and then reflect on these experiences, we felt empowered to learn from these losses and start the year on a stronger footing.
In 2022, we created a space for our audience to learn about financial matters in a relatable way. Through a 3-part Digi-series, we helped South Africans overcome typical financial and insurance challenges that were the basis of most consumer complaints; and provided you with support and practical financial tools that positively impacted you mental wellbeing. With less worry, you could take better care of yourself and your loved ones, so that you could have a stronger year. Recap the full We Start 2022 Stronger series here.
What's in store for 2023
This year we’re demonstrating the power that your collective has on the success of your goals. We want to encourage you to change the way you look at finances, and help you plan for the constant economic changes. We know making life changes on your own is difficult, however, when you do it alongside your squad – your family and friends – you can achieve so much more. Together, you can hold each other accountable so that you can achieve your shared goals.
To reach a wider audience, and to help more South Africans start their year stronger, we’ve taken the series to TV. You can watch the live episodes on Mzansi Magic, every Sunday from 29 January to 19 February at 1.30pm. Equally, follow our social media platforms for additional information, education for yourself and your squad – whatever the size, dynamics, individual goals and shared plans.
One step at a time, year after year, together we can start stronger.
Dealing with change starts with changing our collective mindset. As a squad, we can achieve more by setting common goals and holding each other accountable.
Speak to our people today to get started on your goals, no matter how small.
Dealing with change starts with changing our collective mindset.
As a squad, we can achieve more by setting common goals and holding each other accountable.
Speak to our people today to get started on your goals, no matter how small.